I don't understand Sony's strategy over here in good old Europe. We still have no Dual Shock 3, the backward compatible 60 gig version is no longer available and replaced with the cheaper 40 gig model which isn't backward playable. Still us Europeans have to play with the burden of no rumble. Rumble is not last gen, it's gaming standard since over a decade you helped build, Sony! And the PS3 is still too fucking expensive. In case you haven't noticed, Sony, most gamers moved to 360 for gaming. PS3 still isn't much more than a Blu Ray player. But now is your chance, Sony. With MGS4 you have one hot jewel that all coregamers are waiting for with greedy eyes. If you want me as 360 owner to buy your platform and support your product do this fair bundle and I am sure you will sell many units more.
Give us the PS3 and the Dual Shock 3 and 'Metal Gear Solid 4' for 399€.
In the first personal gaming poll which was on for quite a few months the PS3 even beats the 360. And the Wii gets just what it deserves:

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