Booth babes! This really looks like the introduction of a cheap porn. But hey, as long as they look good and have short skirts!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
GC: Babes!
Booth babes! This really looks like the introduction of a cheap porn. But hey, as long as they look good and have short skirts!
Little Big Planet: Sackboy Again
Tomb Raider Underworld
Hey, it's Lara Croft again and she looks as good as a decade ago. Those tiger backflips are strange but who give's a damn?
Some nice new videos:
I am a bit worried about the characters. Both males same to be identical. Okay, one has more ammo, one has more health. But really, this doesn't look like a game in which you can count the bullets.
And I hope that those destroyed building won't grow old fast.
Golden Axe Trailer
Is it trying to become the next God of War? I imagine that this game could have been much cooler if it were remade Street Fighter IV style.
Fallout 3 Gameplay: The Beginning
I have to admit it, I've never been a big fan of Bethesda and found Oblivion confusing. Sweet surroundings, but terrible character animations. I fear the same could happen to Fallout 3. But since I've been over at Leipzig Games Convention and viewed the developer demonstration I am a bit hyped. The demonstration at GC was close to the one at Microsoft's E3 press conference, but they showed some new things like lockpicking and a closer look on the radio stations. Very nice, especially when at the end of the demo the developer fired a fat boy rocket (mini nuke) straight in the air and it fell down on him what resulted in a flying corpse high over destroyed Washington.
Since this moment I am interested in the game and today I found some fresh gameplay from the beginning of the game. Enjoy!
Fallout 3: The Escape
Fallout 3: Megaton
Fallout 3: Wasteland
Fallout 3: Super Duper Mart
Fallout 3: Tenpenny Tower
Looks fine!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
26 Months XBL Gold For 66€
I just got 26 months XBL Gold for 66€. Ain't that awesome? Just check Ebay from time to time and you might find something interesting. I wonder if there is a possibility to get MS points as cheap as this.
So, I'm off. You'll find me in Liberty City more often from now on!
Next Nintendo Core Games In 2 To 3 Years
As 1Up reports Nintendo confirmed that all of their developer teams are hard at work. Sounds good, new Zelda, new Mario. And now the bad news:
"We have never neglected our core gamers. We still have developers working on popular core gaming franchises but we need longer to complete these games, approximately two to three years," said the unidentified representative.
That's quite a long time, right? Even hardcore Wiiklings should now think about getting a 360 or PS3, the consoles with more core games than you can play every month.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
GC: Bionic Commando
I just waited about 40 minutes to enter the Capcom booth. But it were worth the wait. I played and took a video of Bionic Commando and played Dark Void and Street Fighter IV. But more to those later.
Bionic Commando reminded me somehow of Lost Planet. I didn't like Lost Planet and Bionic Commando... didn't amaze me. Have a look for yourselves:
GC: Killzone 2
The Gears killer was playable and I found it very entertaining. Gorgeous visuals are for real. In motion this game is insanely beautiful though very grey. Even greyer than Gears. I thought they were Sin City style with only the eyes of the enemies (Helghast?) shining in red. But hell, if you own a PS3 you will propably have justified it with Killzone 2 'on the horizont'. This will most likely become a mOst/must have. Still the controls are a bit strange. You need to get used to them.
1Up Reviews Tales of Vesperia
They reviewed it and they liked it. 1Up gave a B+ which should be enough for a hype, RPG fans!
For years, detractors have labeled the conventional Japanese RPG a dated genre that simply doesn't have a place among the likes of Gears of War and Halo. Tales of Vesperia exposes that assertion for what it truly is: a load of bunk. Traditional elements -- an anime-styled cast, a lush, expansive overworld, and a familiar fantasy setting -- will always be welcome, so long as they're done well. And Vesperia succeeds as well as any Japanese RPG this generation.
GC: Mirror's Edge

I just came across this one right at the beginning. I think this game looks quite good. Quite different as well. I like the parcour aspect but I fear that it could be too linear. This scenario begs for free movement!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
GC: I'm Back Home

Wow, that was an exhausting but fun trip. As promised I made it to Leipzig and have seen and played interesting games. Lots of games. I took gameplay videos where I could and will upload them asap. Also I visited some developer game demonstrations. Those were 'Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising', 'Fallout 3' and 'Rise of the Argonauts'.
It was worth the visit.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
GC: A Man Gotta Do What A Man Gotta Do
Okay, here's the misery. As you know this week in Germany, that's the little infamous country in Europe I am living in, the 'Games Convention' takes place. The GC is one of the biggest gaming expos worldwide and is visited by over 200.000 gamers from everywhere. It's important (not important enough for Nintendo anymore. Well fuck those traitors, no one needs them.) and it's, as could be said, one step from my home. I've been there in 2006 and 2007 and I loved it. This is the place to be for a hardcore videogame fanatic like me. So it is clear that I won't miss this year, especially since it is the last 'Games Convention' in Leipzig. Next year a clone of the GC will take part in Köln/Cologne called 'Games Con'. Yeah... Cheap ass rip off complete, right? Anyways, that will be easier for me and the most people, due to the fact that Leipzig is in East Germany, where nearly no one lives, besides some unemployed fascists without girlfriends. But, Leipzig has a really beautiful convention center and the fact that such giant size crowds of tourists came to Sachsen/Saxony was good for the inhabitans. It's a big cultural and economical loss for this region. I'm drifting off...
I had planned to go to GC with some buddies, but now everyone of those creepy motherfuckers is unavaillable. No time, no money et cetera. Fuck them, I am angry. But I don't need them. I will see the GC, that's for sure. It's the place to be. I'll be there on saturday and if that's the last thing I will do, so be it.
Expect to see photos and videos of everything interesting I come across. For now I have a VIP pass to a demonstration of 'Operation Flashpoint 2'. Hey, ain't that great?
GC: Heavy Rain
This game has the special something. Looks intense and thrilling. It will come for PS3, X360 and Wii, uhmm... not for Wii, and PC in 2009.
UPDATE: Seems like we have an EXCLUSIVE here! For PS3!
GC: World War Three
As you know Tom Clancy, he's the man behind all those melodramatic military games. Usually those ain't bad. 'Tom Clancy's Endwar' looks promising, even if I'm not the strategygamer on consoles. World War III sounds so wrong... Let's hope this scenario stays fictional.
GC: Resident Evil 5 Trailer
That's something I am very excited about: Games Convention, the German super size videogames expo. This year it'll be my third. More to this later. Now enjoy this new trailer of RE5.
Star Wars Retro Episode VIII
'The Force Unleashed' is nearing it's release date and so GT continues with it's retro on 'Star Wars'. By the way: Check out the official homepage of the game which has some nice wallpaper.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Character Creation In Soul Calibur IV
1Up doesn't like Too Human
The 1st 'Too Human' review comes from 1Up and they are not very happy with this game:
The game is simply schizophrenic; it attempts to be all things to all people and never succeeds in executing any of them well. The end result is in dire need of polish and focus, and that doesn't solely apply to gameplay mechanics. There's absolutely no reason why a game released in 2008 should have a bug where characters can fall through solid ground and into some pseudoabyss.
Fresh Crysis Warhead Trailer
Well, the sequel, prequel, sametimel or whatever you call it arrives next month. Perhaps I should continue to play 'Crysis' itself. I was very disappointed about the unbelievable amount of hardware you need to make this game run on normal settings. But this is one thing that is said to become better in 'Warhead'. I still can't imagine seeing this game run on a 2ghz single core pc, but let's wait.
Batman Arkham Asylum 1st Screens
As I said before, I like the new 'Batman' movies and I am very anxious to see 'The Dark Knight', the second 'Batman' movie of director Christopher Nolan. I am very happy to see that even the game looks promising as you can see with these screens 1Up delivered.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Details On The 2nd Mass Effect Novel
The second novel based on the hit RPG 'Mass Effect' written by Drew Karpshyn. 'Mass Effect: Ascension' will be published on the 7th of October this year. And in the depths of space, umm, the net I found this backtext:
When they vanished fifty thousand years ago, the Protheans left their advanced technology scattered throughout the galaxy. The chance discovery of a Prothean cache on Mars allows humanity to join those already reaping the rewards of the ancients’ high-tech wizardry. But for one rogue militia, the goal is not participation but domination.
Scientist Kahlee Sanders has left the Systems Alliance for the Ascension Project, a program that helps gifted “biotic” children harness their extraordinary powers. The program’s most promising student is twelve-year-old Gillian Grayson, who is borderline autistic. What Kahlee doesn’t know is that Gillian is an unwitting pawn of the outlawed black ops group Cerberus, which is sabotaging the program by conducting illegal experiments on the students.
When the Cerberus plot is exposed, Gillian’s father takes her away from the Ascension Project and flees into the lawless Terminus Systems. Determined to protect Gillian, Kahlee goes with them… unaware that the elder Grayson is, in fact, a Cerberus operative. To rescue the young girl Kahlee must travel to the farthest ends of the galaxy, battling fierce enemies and impossible odds. But how will she be able to save a daughter from her own father?
This novel is based on a Mature-rated video game.
Doesn't this sound great? Word is out that in the Terminus System awaits a dark pendant to the citadel. I bet parts of this book will be met again in 'Mass Effect 2'. I'm so hyped for this book! YEAH, FOR A BOOK!
Infinite Undiscovery Previews
Only a few weeks to go until Square Enix 'Infinte Undiscovery' is in stores. Usually in this time period you can watch several previews pop up and that's no difference with this game.
Here's the Gametrailers Preview:
The 1up preview is not very enthusiastic:
But nothing about Undiscovery particularly stands out, either, and aside from a gorgeous CG intro that offers a welcome change of pace from the usual "scenes from the coming game montage" popularized with Final Fantasy VIII, it's nowhere near as gorgeous as gamers have come to expect from either the developer or publisher. Square Enix and tri-Ace consistently published the best-looking games on PS2, but Undiscovery's visuals are a far cry from the luminous style of Halo 3 or the insanely detailed Metal Gear Solid 4. Honestly, it seems to be a step or two behind Dead Rising, which is two years old at this point. Sure, Undiscovery looks good while not in motion, but the animation is eerily mechanical, and the framerates are nothing short of atrocious, with combat sequences occasionally chugging at the sort of speed more in line with an overly ambitious PS1 game like Chrono Cross. Admittedly, this was a near-final build running off the hard drive of a 360 debug unit and may run more smoothly as a retail version...but with the September release, any improvements probably won't be significant.
IGN is even a little hyped:
Mention Square-Enix and RPG in the same breath and gaming geeks begin to salivate in a Pavlovian response. Xbox 360 gamers have two Square-Enix games to look forward to this year: Infinite Undiscovery and Last Remnant. While the latter remains a mystery, Infinite Undiscovery is less than a month away from release. And Square-Enix has shown us the ins-and-outs of its latest RPG.
The story in Infinite Undiscovery sounds promising.
So, what awaits us with this game? To me 18 squad members sounds too much, but stay tuned for the reviews at the beginning of september.
Should Play Soul Calibur IV...
...but instead I found myself starting the third playthrough of 'Mass Effect'. I love this game! I really do! Can't wait to bring my character to level 60 and play through X57 - Bring Down The Sky - the second time. I just hope they soon release the second DLC so that I can count one more mission in for this playthrough.
My dreamteam squad would be with Liara, the Asari scientist, and Wrex, the Krogan mercenary, because they are the characters I like the most. But trying to get some missing achievements I'll team up this time with Kaidan and Tali. Plus I hope that the Veteran setting will count, 'cause it weren't possible to set this before the start of a new game with my old character. So I had to set this via the start menu on the first mission.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Citizens of Grand Theft Auto
Haha, again it's time for the loved ROFL videos. These here are about the citizens of 'Grand Theft Auto'. Damn it, imagine you would take the madness of GTA in the real world. Oh-oh...
NES the HARDcore console
Seems like the classic 8bit wonder machine Nintendo Entertainment System had a lot of tough games. Luckily I started with 16bit.
Fresh Infinite Undiscovery Gameplay
Found something nice on GT. Minute long gameplay of Square Enix upcoming 360 exclusive 'Infinite Undiscovery´. As I said before, I think this is/will be/would be my RPG of choice 2008. I like the real time battle system, strangely it reminds me of the Tales series.
Monday, August 11, 2008
AVGN: Batman Part II
Will the Batnerd win against the joker?
I need to watch 'The Dark Knight' by the way. Loved 'Batman Begins' and hated everything that came after 'Batman Returns' and that was 1992, those crap movies with Arnold and Jim Carrey.
Resident Evil CG Movie Interview
In my opinion it's the only real 'Resident Evil' movie. God, I hate these bad real actors that suck and don't know the game movies. 'RE Degeneration' is the true sequel to 'Resident Evil 2' which is said to be the best oldstyle game of the series.
Top 20 Mega Drive/Genesis Games
I love Screwattack's Top10s. Top20s are even better. And I like Screwattack and am part of the GT community.
Btw: I still have my Mega Drive here. Never ever sold a console. Never will.
Friday, August 8, 2008
We Want More Mass Effect DLC!
You might remember 'Mass Effect' as one of the most impressive and unique experiences you ever played. Most fans, like me, have played the 'Bring Down The Sky' download content and are hungry for more since then. But as Greg Zeschuk in a MTV multiplayer blog interview said there could be some fresh DLC on the way:
Multiplayer: What can we talk about regarding “Mass Effect”?
Greg Zeschuk, Co-Founder of BioWare: Well we said it was a trilogy so there’s some stuff happening. We’re also looking at some other post-release content. We’re working away. BioWare’s pretty busy these days.
Multiplayer: We got our first DLC for the 360. People can expect there may be some more more coming?
Zeschuk: We’re talking about that. You know how we are. We’re always very circumspect until we can go “Aha! There it is!” With everything we build now, we want to have this long-term relationship with the customer and always have something for them to try. So we’re definitely looking at that for “Mass Effect.”
C'mon, Bioware! Give us more DLC! 'Oblivion' has gotten loads of stuff and is a piece of crap compared to 'Mass Effect'. Give us more!
In Memory of 'Bring Down The Sky':
Michael Hollick On GTAIV DLC
That was pretty lame, right? But let's wait and perhaps Geoff will get some more infos out of him. I can't wait for the DLC and personally I think that GTA IV is the Game of the Year 2008. What could stop it? MGS4, Gears 2, Fable 2 are all tough foes but that won't stop the ultimate do anything game.
Rapture Revisited
One year later the PS3 get's the trip to the underwater hydropolis Rapture. God, I love this game, it's so unique! Playslaves, better don't miss this!
Fallout Is The Choice!
Okay, so here we go again: The results of the latest poll!
The question was which RPG you'll choose this fall.
And the winner is: Fallout 3 with 26 votes
2nd: Sacred 2, Too Human
3rd: Infinite Undiscovery
4rd: The Last Remnant, Star Ocean 4
5th: Tales of Vesperia
Who would have thought that? Personally I chose 'Infinite Undiscovery' but that's democracy, right?
And a new thing, which I thing makes communication easier, is now part of Personal Gaming. It's the shoutbox on the left side. Because I'm a german Kraut the time is set on Berlin, but that shouldn't stop you to flood me with messages!
Infinite Undiscovery,
Sacred 2,
Star Ocean,
Tales of Vesperia,
The Last Remnant,
Too Human
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Soul Calibur IV Is Here
Yeah, as I told you, I got it since a few days. I've played 'Soul Calibur IV' a few minutes already. Not much, but sadly, I'm a busy man and have to work a lot, which is as well the reason why I can't post much.
Anyways, a few things I have to say about this game. It absolutely SUCKS that there is no rumble feature! Do I own a 360 or a PS3! Rumble is standard, shame on you, Namco. The so called story mode is a joke. It's repetitive and doesn't include the beloved map with the path that made the 'Soul Calibur' games so unique. 5 fights and the story mode is finished? Shame! And there is no kind of team battle in the versus modes. Damn you, Namco! And Yoda's story is a joke aswell! FUCK YOU, Namco!
Gotta try this game out further. Till then here's the GT review:
Resident Evil 5 Gameplay
Yeah, perhaps this is cOLD, but still worth seeing. To me it looks like the gameplay hasn't really evolved and 'Resident Evil 5' is more like 'Resident Evil 4' Part 2 with HD graphics and a new plot. But of course I will play it anyway, RE4 is still one of my fav games.
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