Okay, here's the misery. As you know this week in Germany, that's the little infamous country in Europe I am living in, the 'Games Convention' takes place. The GC is one of the biggest gaming expos worldwide and is visited by over 200.000 gamers from everywhere. It's important (not important enough for Nintendo anymore. Well fuck those traitors, no one needs them.) and it's, as could be said, one step from my home. I've been there in 2006 and 2007 and I loved it. This is the place to be for a hardcore videogame fanatic like me. So it is clear that I won't miss this year, especially since it is the last 'Games Convention' in Leipzig. Next year a clone of the GC will take part in Köln/Cologne called 'Games Con'. Yeah... Cheap ass rip off complete, right? Anyways, that will be easier for me and the most people, due to the fact that Leipzig is in East Germany, where nearly no one lives, besides some unemployed fascists without girlfriends. But, Leipzig has a really beautiful convention center and the fact that such giant size crowds of tourists came to Sachsen/Saxony was good for the inhabitans. It's a big cultural and economical loss for this region. I'm drifting off...
I had planned to go to GC with some buddies, but now everyone of those creepy motherfuckers is unavaillable. No time, no money et cetera. Fuck them, I am angry. But I don't need them. I will see the GC, that's for sure. It's the place to be. I'll be there on saturday and if that's the last thing I will do, so be it.
Expect to see photos and videos of everything interesting I come across. For now I have a VIP pass to a demonstration of 'Operation Flashpoint 2'. Hey, ain't that great?
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