This evening my buddy Nils invited me to visit him to play some good old 16Bit games. 16Bit - in his case that's the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. And he has quite a collection of great games. There are many jewels in his collection: Lufia, Secret of Mana, Street Fighter II, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, F-Zero and Star Wing for example.
His setup looks very good as well. Clean structured and everything in it's place. Have a look at the photos.
So we started with a Lord of the Ring game. You played Frodo and it was about the first book 'The Fellowship of the Ring'. Yeah, about the book and not about the movies, kids. When it was the Golden 16Bit Age there not even was a LOTR movie on the horizon (that anime doesn't count). It looked like Zelda and Nils told me that you can play cooperatively when you find Samwise. Interestingly shocking: the game uses no save feauture, it's one of those games with insanely long passwords.
Then we hopped in a round of Primal Rage. That was weird. Dinosaurs beating giant apes up. I knew this game, but never played it really. It was fun, but missing it was no loss at all.

Oh, and we played this Mario NES collection called Mario Allstars. It looked better than I imagined. Mario 1 is one tough platformer. Mario 3 was great: You could play it together, meaning that one gamer plays Mario and the other plays Luigi, turnbased. We got to this flying airship at the end of the first world. One tough bastard endboss.
Next game was Fatal Fury. I remember having played this one on the Sega Mega Drive often when I was young. And it didn't change: Terry Bogart, his brother and some Kick Thai weirdo beat the crap out of each other. In this game I was better than Nils, haha!
Then we hoped in F-Zero. It's an incredible good handling Sci-Fi racer. No introduction needed. Rocked.
Street Fighter II: Not the Super or Turbo versions, the oldest oldschool Street Fighter of 'em all. And all the tricks with Ken worked: Hadoken, Shoryoken and Hapdrarapkap (or whatever it's called). But I even beat him with Chun Li. Not cool, if you forget the basic tricks, right, Nils?
But the winning side turned in Mario Kart. Here Nils was way better than me. He raced faster (Peach power, I guess) and made all my balloons go boom in the challenge mode.
The last game we played was a blast. It was the epic Star Wing. Damn, never had it as such a brilliant shooter in mind. Okay, the graphics look like rofl nowadays, but even today you can still see at what kind of greatness they aim: Star Wars, X-Wing vs. Star Destroyer. The graphics are real 3D and the gameplay was ahead of it's time. Definitely one of the greatest SNES games.

It was a great videogaming history evening and believe me, Retrogaming is fun. All you need are friends, beer and high spirits. But revenge is coming: Next time we do the retro evening at my place and then it's Sega Mega Drive Sonic time!
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