Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fallout 3: Reached Level 20

Fallout 3 - the game that never ends. I am still playing this game, being unable to finish it. My playcount is now at over 45 hours and I've reached Level 20 with good karma.
That wasn't for sure because of that little incident over at Tenpenny Tower.

I went there by accident when I was on the way to the other Vault to find Dad. It's such a huge building that I could see it on the horizon and I wanted to know what it was. Of course, as a Galaxy News Radio listener I knew that there was a thing going on. And that is that the rich citizens of Tenpenny Tower didn't allow some ghouls to live in that tower. I went in and met the citizens and they were all so arrogant and thought they were something better. Except Herbert "Daring" Dashwood perhaps, he was a nice guy and talked sense. You might know him from his show at GNR. I went to the upper stories to talk the conflict out, but all I met was the Allistair Tenpenny, an old egocentric mesantroph that had no understanding for the ghouls. He even shot people from his balcony for fun.
I went down into the underground to find the ghouls. In my opinion they deserved to live in Tenpenny Tower more than those rich bastards that forgot what hell the wasteland could be. Time I showed them... I sneaked back into the tower and opened an underground passage so that the ghouls and feral ghouls could crawl inside and clean the whole tower ethnically. That was a little much, but how could I know? It instantly lowered my karmalevel from good to bad! And Three Dog no flames me on his show!
I did what I thought was right and it's a fascinating thing how it worked out in the game.

Well, then I joined forces with the regulators, some cowboy people that pay me caps and good karma for killing bad guys and taking their fingers to them as proof. And I kill many bad guys.
After that I finally finished the Wasteland Survival Guide - the quest that you get right in the beginning in Megaton. That was a lot of work - especially now where the Enclave is on the search for me. And I constantly have to battle their soldiers in power armors.

And the last thing I am going to tell you of my adventures in the wasteland is the story of me saving Canterbury Commons. It's a small town on the east of the wastes and is terrorized by two superheros and their wretches. The AntAgonizer and the Mechanist run a full scale war with giant insects and robots and their battlefield is the town of Canterbury Commons. So the town's major asked me to get rid of them, one way or the other.

The Mechanist

The AntAgonizer

At first I went into the AntAgonizer's lair, which was a deep cave. When I finally found here I used my high speech ability to talk some sense into her. She realized that she'd gone too far and gave me her strange armor. I put it on just for fun and made me on my way to the Mechanist.
He lived on the other side of the town and when I marched in in his factory I just had forgot that I was still wearing the AntAgonizers armor. When he saw me he came and screamed something like "AntAgonizer, how can you dare it coming into my castle!" and immediatly started attacking me. Well, I had no other chance than blasting his head off.
Problem solved. Got a big amount of caps for the bringing of peace.

That's enough for today. I just wanted to show you how great the world of Fallout 3 is and how you can do things and what the consequences are. By the way, with reaching level 20 I chose the explorer perk which gives you every location on the map. Can you believe that in 45 hours of playing Fallout 3 I've seen only a third of all places?? This game is so huge, no need for DLC from me.
Next target location: The slaver town of Paradise Falls. Gonna get some fingers there for sure.

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