Yesterday there were no updates because strangely the local internet broke down. Seems like it hit the whole city. I am not sure if it is fixed now or how long it will take, but I'll use this time now of doing some updates.
So, as you propably know the Dante's Inferno demo is availlable now on the Xbox Live Marketplace and since earlier this month on Playstation Network. And I took myself the time to play through.
Dante's Inferno is loosely based on the middleage poem the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. The story is that Dante, a knight who took part in the crusade of Jerusalem, comes back home and finds his beloved wife Beatrice murdered. He broke his promise (I still haven't found out what this promise actually was about) and Beatrice is taken by the devil himself as his bride, so that he'll be able to reach paradise once again.
Sound weird, plays very well. Dante's Inferno is developed by Visceral Games, former EA Redwood Shores, the talented developers behind the masterpiece Dead Space. They know how to take a new shot at an old genre and evolutionize it. Evil tongues say they "steal", but I won't second that. But indeed, Dante's Inferno plays like God of War. And that is the best thing they could do, because God of War is simply the king of the hack'n'slay genre.
Anyway, in the demo you get the opportunity to play the beginning of the game. You kill death himself and win his powerful scythe. After seeing Beatrice taken away by the devil the journey takes Dante to an old church, which sinks into the ground when the gates of hell are revealed. In the course of this demo the player slays countless enemies and is given the ability to try out some new combos that can be bought with the souls of slayn enemies. For ranged combat Dante uses the holy cross and as lame as it sounds, it's a blast to play. Dante can choose between absolving or killing the creatures of hell and as far as I could see, this makes Dante good or bad. I don't know how it will affect the later game, but I am sure it will.
So what's to say? I really thought about getting Dante's Inferno eventually, because of Mass Effect 2, which is released at the end of anuary, and Bioshock 2, which hits also in early february. But after playing this demo I am seriously thinking about playing it before Bioshock 2. Don't get me wrong, I loved the first Bioshock and I will play the second's campaign definitely, but seeing all of it's multiplayer crap, I've been getting exhausted and Dante's Inferno was love on the first play.