Mass Effect 2 is coming in just a few weeks. It propably will be the best game of all time, but that is just what I think as a hardcore fan of the first game. I see Mass Effect as equal to Star Wars, to be more exact, I think it is an evolved space fairy tale for the internet generation with a mature theme. So, yes I am more than exited about Mass Effect 2.
Today, there's been a little flood of Mass Effect 2 media, meaning videos and articles. Of course all of this contains spoilers, so stop reading if you can. The videos below play in the beginning of Mass Effect 2. Shepard has died during an attack on the Normandy, or he was at least very close to death (watch the German vid for more info on that). Shepard was found and stiched back together by the radical pro human Cerberus syndicate and it's charismatic leader The Illusive Man. In favor Shepard does help Cerberus, because he lost his spectre status and for now, they share some common goals.
Two things I'd like to pronounce here, because there've been nothing more than rumors on the subjects:
First: There will again be elevators in the game. But there's a little progress scheme shown now to visualize the distance that is travelled. I think that is great, because I belong to those who enjoyed the NPC dialogue in these sequences.
Second: Wrex appears in Mass Effect 2. Not unless you deciced to kill him in the first. One of the below listed articles described it like that: In Mass Effect 2 you will visit the Krogan homeworld (thumbs up, already wanted to do that in the first game). If you killed Wrex, the Krogans won't welcome you nicely. But if you spared his life, you see that he managed to make his Urdnod clan the dominant group on the planet. I love to hear that, while I have to admit it sounds like good old Wrex won't make it as playable character in the sequel.
And here is a German video spoken by Commander Shepard who explains what happens in the beginning of the game. Now, this contains some spoilers!
And here is a bunch of nice articles that are worth reading:
1Up: Preview: The first 90 minutes of Mass Effect 2
The Escapist: 5 Things Bioware Fixed for Mass Effect 2
Giant Bomb: The Truth About The First 90 Minutes of Mass Effect 2
Also interesting:
Bioware: We haven't peaked on the 360
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