Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Street Fighter Legacy Is A Fan Movie

This is certainly interesting. A fan movie done by professionals. I've heard it's online this thursday. Though I think Street Fighter is best as videogame or anime.

“As an actor, film maker and a fan, I have been repeatedly disappointed by the many diluted, un faithful and outright butchered movie adaptations of fighting video games. It was clear to me, that given the way the movie industry worked, we would never see a super faithful, darker toned and more adult themed (or just plain good!) incarnation of Street fighter unless a die-hard fan director or film-making team with the game canon knowledge, film making know how and connections stepped up to the plate to helm such a project.”

Joey Ansah and Streetlight Films present: 'Street Fighter: Legacy' a liveaction short film project, based on the popular Capcom gaming franchise: Street Fighter. Apparently, the project is promising enough to receive Capcom's "blessing," according to Ansah.

The short film is a Streetlight Films production, co-directed by Joey Ansah and Owen Trevor, produced by Jacqueline Quella and stars Jon Foo as Ryu and Christian Howard as Ken. It is is filled with top-notch Hollywood talent (at least behind the scenes) including James Bond producer Anthony Waye as executive producer and visual effects from Prime Focus.

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