If you've followed this blog, you know that I'm a huge
Fallout 3 fan. I play this game since I got it last christmas and there is only one game on 360 that I play longer and continuesly. And that's
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. But
HD Remix is only for multiplayer and
Fallout 3 is a completely different league.
After finishing the main quest I got all three
DLCs - O
peration Anchorage, The Pitt and Broken Steel.
Broken Steel had the nice addition of raising your level cap to thirty but compared with
Point Lookout all of the previous
DLCs were just side missions and I have doubts that even
Mothership Zeta will come close to this masterpiece of downloadable content. Point Lookout brings you a real big swampland area with over 30 places to explore and multiple main and sidequests. Plus it looks totally different than the Wasteland!
WARNING: Everything from here on is spoiling!

The journey began in the Wasteland. I had to buy a ticket from Tobar the ferryman which costed me 399 caps. Holy crap. And then there was this mother that begged me to find her daughter who ran away to Point Lookout. I left my old friend Fawkes and took the ferry to Point Lookout. When I arrived I first met Madame Panada, a trader. I had to return to her often because she was the best to trade with and repair my stuff.
The Pier of Point Lookout, Pilgrim's Landing, is like a ghost town. Everything rotten and left.
I travelled around and soon came to a mansion.

It's the Calvert Mansion and inside a ghoul named Desmond awaited me together with his two watchdogs. There was not much time to chat because the mansion was attacked by a bunch of wild people! I helped Desmod defeat the attackers (the process took about 20 minutes!) and he told me that the attack was one of many, coming from the wild tribe over at the Ark and Dove cathedral!

The plan of Desmond was that I should infiltrate the tribe to find out who's responsible for the attacks. But first I had to survive their ritual to be granted entry. For that I had to walk in a holy part of the swamp and eat the seeds of a giant punga fruit. That made me haluscinating, but I survived.
And guess who I met in the cathedral! Nadine, the girl who ran away. She didn't like her new home, said all of the people were idiots that lost their minds and walked around like zombies. She promised to get back to her worrying mother... one day!
Then I searched for Jackson, the leader of the wild, in a cave. When I found him, he talked to a brain! A holo brain he thought of as a god. What an idiot.
When I talked to the brain, it revealed that it uses the faith of Jackson and his tribe for it's own reasons. It tries to kill Desmond the ghoul with whom it has a rivalery since 200 years. When I got back to Desmond he gave me a transmitter to disable the mindwaves Professor Calvert, the brain, sends out to control his followers. I should install it on top of the Big Wheel. When I got their I heard Calvert's voice in my mind. He begged me to side with him and destroy the sender. But I didn't. I don't side with brains claiming to be mad scientists. And his answer were a big bunch of his tribal followers which I had to slay with my great new weapon, the Unterhebelrepetiergewehr (don't know what it's called in English, I had only the possibility to download this DLC on German). It was crazy. Blood and body limps all over the pier.
When I got back to tell Desmond of my success the whole Mansion was blown up!

That's Desmond, a criminal ghoul with a very insulting language. Good bad guy!
But Desmond and I survived, so we ran to lighthouse to defeat Professor Calvert, the brain, in his lighthouse laboratory!

We fought through armies of robots to face the evil professor himself! He asked me again to side with him. But no chance, I blasted his ass back to Oblivion and finished the main quest!

Professor Calvert, the mad brain and enemy of Desmond.
And that was only the main quest. In the course of
Point Lookout you can find out about the dark secret of Blackhall, investigate in a Chinese spy's mission, fight in a arena full of ghouls and search for gas mining drill holes.
Point Lookout is full of choices and exploring and is the first add on that perfectly catches the spirit of the main game. An outstanding experience every
Fallout 3 fan should've played!