Sunday, January 13, 2008

Casey Hudson talks about Mass Effect

Casey Hudson is Bioware's project director for the space RPG Mass Effect and was interviewed by about his thoughts on this project nearly 2 months after it's release.

Before the game's release it was announced to have the ability to interrupt characters while talking to them. In the final game this feature was dropped.
Casey said that this thing did not work the way the programmers wanted but the interruption ability will be included in the sequel.
Casey let the players know that it was a hard challenge which took the authors a few months to learn to shorten the possible answers in a dialogue to a brief summary. That's because they never had to do it before Mass Effect.
EGM's interviewer didn't like the inventory, said it is user-unfriendly.
The inventory system is, as Casey said, one of the "biggest and most complicated" aspects of a role playing game and during testing they haven't got any negative feedback, but they will fix if stuff didn't work out as intended.
Casey hasn't a recommended path through the planets. The team tried to create a feeling that that you can go wherever you want to go when you want in desired order, which should work out as well as anything else.
His favorite character is Liara, the Asari. He likes here conversations and said she is perhaps the most "human" character.
When asked after quests or planets that shouldn't be missed Casey answered that the mission on earth's moon is incredible because you see the earth beautifully rising while climbing the mountain to the alliance training ground. But he also likes the mission on Eletania where the players hunt space monkeys.
Asked about plans for downloadable content Casey ensured that Bioware is already working in "really cool stuff". This DLC was involved in the creation of Mass Effect from the beginning and so be of high quality.
If the 360 is out there long enough the whole Mass Effect trilogy will be release on the 360 and the players will be able to finish the third game with the first game's protagonist.
Mass Effect contains only so many elevators because otherwise there would have been loading screens. Casey knows that this is not "the most epic part of the experience".

Read the full interview at

My opinion: I loved playing through this awesome game and i hope that all parts of the trilogy will be released on 360. Though my favorite character is Wrex.

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