22:52 Press Conference ends. I think we have a clear winner this E3. The show went nearly 2 hours and had many great games, Killzone 3, Dead Space 2 and God of War: Ghost of Sparta to name a few. Playstation Plus was rumored before, and it is interesting that it costs the same as Xbox Live Gold. Playstation Move looks like the best motion control for core gamers, but it is very expensive, if you're planning to play it with two people. Kevin Butler did an outstanding job as entertainer. Of course I'll bring every video up to the main page as soon as possible.
22:50 Sacrificing your enemy team's leader, riding motorbikes with flaming chainsaws. That's Twisted Metal.
22:44 Eat Sleep Play - David Jaffe announces that Twisted Metal is exclusive to PS3 in 2011. Now gameplay!
22:44 Twisted Metal
22:41 GT5 is coming November 2nd. Now Infamous 2. The press conference just won't end. Incredible!
22:39 Gran Turismo 5 trailer
22:36 Monage running, very nice games.
22:34 MGS: Rising coming the PS3.
22:32 AC: Brotherhood, cooler trailer.
22:31 Exclusive contents: Mafia II and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
22:28 Final Fantasy XIV
22:27 PS3 - best version on the consoles. Trailer.
22:26 Portal 2 for the PS3. It's confirmed.
22:24 Dead Space Extraction with Move support only on PS3. Madden and other big titles only on. Seems like EA sides against Kinect. Betrayal. Money talks, bullshit walks. Portal! Gabe Newell on stage!
22:21 Dead Space 2 demo continues where it yesterday took off!
22:18 Unlockable bearts. Afghanistan level demo.
22:16 Electronic Arts shows Medal of Honor.
22:14 Exclusive partnership with Electronic Arts. Revenge for Microsoft's deal with Activision?
21:12 PS Plus 12 months 49,99$
21:11 Playstation Plus. PSN has it's PSN Gold.
22:07 Little Big Planet 2 shown by Media Molecule guy.
22:04 Jack Tretton back on stage, introducing Play Create Share, new title up?
22:01 PSN 50 million registered users
21:59 Patapon 3 confirmed.
21:57 Is this a new God of War! Can't believe it: God of War: Ghost of Sparta!
21:53 Yeah, PSP gets a new campaign. iPhone, the fight is on.
21:52 I like to Move it!
21:47 Move for two players would come to 150$. That's exactly the same price Gamestop listend Microsoft's Kinekt at. Interesting.
21:47 PS Move comes September. PS Move Controller 50$, Camera + Game + Move Controller 100$, with PS3 399$
21:45 When we said It Does Everything, we meant it!
21:44 "And you hard core guys, I'm talking to you."
21:43 I love Gaming
21:42 Kevin Butler on stage. Great guy, knows how to entertain very well!
21:40 Heroes On The Move. They have a partnership with Coca Cola. This is so capitalism. Money reigns.
21:38 Golf is finally over.
21:36 Dude playing Golf on stage. Looks chilled.
21:32 Sorcery looks pretty cool. Move seems to be able to do some serious gaming.
21:30 The guy demoing doesn't jump around, which is cool.
21:27 Sorcery Demo. Third person fantasy adventure game in a dungeon.
21:26 "Buttons are critical to gaming" Socom
21:25 People praising PS Move, Kevin Butler bashing Kinect: It's anything other than hitting big red balls. Killzone 3 is out February 27 2011 btw.
21:20 PS Move. Let's see how it does against Kinect. Will it be able to do core games?
21:19 10th birthday of the Playstation 2.
21: 18 This new Mortal Kombat game looks really cool. Tretton back on stage talking good news on PS3.
21:17 Oh my god. There'll be a prison fight club game. That's not what Foucault would've wanted.
21:14 Man, Killzone 3 is a blast. Now Kaz Hirai is on stage talking PS3 games. PS Move and 3D. ONE LAST 3D VIDEO. Thank God!
21:08 It's snowy. Sony firing the big guns right at the beginning! Let's wait and see!
21:06 Jack Tretton opened the show and now it's a Killzone 3 live demo.
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