Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Meet The Pyro 5 Years Later
Can you believe it? Team Fortress 2 is not dead yet (release 2007) and they finally did a trailer for the Pyro class. In fact I heard that Valve makes a lot of income with TF2 since it's free2play. Anyway, a nice trailer
And on a more personal note: Lack of updates is due to high busy-ness in the moment. This will go on since I am moving in a new flat end of July, lots of stuff for university is incoming and I'll be in Israel for summer school August to September. I'll try to post whenever I see a video that really deserves it or have some idle time to post, but no false promises.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Dead F. Space 3: 20 Min Dev Diary
Sorry for the lack of updates the last two weeks, but I have been abroad on vacation. I'm sure I missed a plethora of nice vids, but let me just post this one which is very important in my opinion because I am excited (and yet a little bit doubtful -> sidekick might turn into Sonic Cycle) about this game: DFS 3.
Oh and on a sidenote: E3 2012 was crap, especially Nintendo. Ubi has won - alltime low. Well, guess it was the silence before the storm once the new consoles will be presented next year.
Resident Evil 6: 20 Minutes Leon Gameplay
Shockingly there seems to be suspense in it. Hope it's less action, more horror. Or better more action, more horror.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
E3 2012: Darksiders II Ice Dungeon
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
E3 2012: NFS Most Wanted Gameplay
Gameplay of the new Need for Speed Most Wanted. Looks great. Most Wanted has always been my favorite NFS. After that it didn't really went well for the series.
E3 2012: Complete Nintendo Press Conference
I spared myself watching this. The Wii U just doesn't attract hardcore gamers like me and from what I read even Nintendo fans were disappointed.
Also available on Personal Gaming: Sony, Microsoft, Ubi, EA.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
E3 2012: Complete EA Press Conference
Complete Electronic Arts E3 2012 Press Conference for your viewing pleasure. Also available on Personal Gaming: Sony, Microsoft, Ubi, Nintendo (coming soon).
E3 2012: Complete Microsoft Press Conference
Here it is - the complete MS E3 2012 Press Con. Also available on Personal Gaming: Sony, EA, Ubi, Nintendo (coming soon).
E3 2012: Complete Ubisoft Press Conference
The complete Ubi Press Con for your viewing pleasure. Assassin's Creed III begins minute 33 or something. Or just check here.
Also available on Personal Gaming: Sony, Microsoft, EA, Nintendo (coming soon).
E3 2012: Far Cry 3 Campaing, Co-Op Demos, Trailer
Far Cry 3 is turning out to be way better than expected. I liked the second game but with that I was standing alone. I especially like the attacking tigers. And a separate co-op campaign is always the best way to integrate co-op in my opinion.
E3 2012: Gears of War Judgment Gameplay
E3 2012: All Assassin's Creed III Videos
E3 2012: God of War Ascension On Stage Demo
E3 2012: Dead Space 3 On Stage Demo
E3 2012: Watch Dogs Debut Trailer
E3 2012: Watch Dogs Gameplay Debut
Missed this gem yesterday. Part of Ubi's Press Con. I don't know what it is, but it has a high potential to become a must have.
E3 2012: The Last of Us Gameplay
This is just amazing. See, Microsoft, that's how it's done: Create new core gaming IPs and give the proper time on the press con - not wasting it with Usher.
E3 2012: Assassin's Creed III Liberation For PS Vita
Assassin's Creed III's PS Vita offspring in the focus. It's good that they do something against Vita dying.
E3 2012: Complete Sony Press Conference
Sony's complete E3 Press Conference here for your viewing pleasure. Good for us Europeans, it was 3 in the night...
Also available on Personal Gaming: Microsoft, EA, Ubi, Nintendo (coming soon).
E3 2012: Details On Gears Judgment
Monday, June 4, 2012
E3 2012: Street Fighter X Tekken Vita Trailer
A new trailer for the Vita version of SF X T. it has substantially more characters than the concole version. I want my Blanka. That's one of the reason I don't really get too warm with SF X T.
E3 2012,
Playstation Vita,
Street Fighter X Tekken
E3 2012: Warface Trailer
E3 2012: Lost Planet 3 Trailer

E3 2012: Devil May Cry Trailer
E3 2012: Pitchfork Demoes Borderlands 2
E3 2012: Dead Space 3 Trailer
Wow, this is nice. I really love Dead Space. But won't co-op kill the whole you against them atmosphere? The whole suspense? I sure hope there will be some parts in the game where you are alone
E3 2012: Resident Evil 6 On Stage Demo, Trailer
E3 2012: Tomb Raider Gameplay Demo
Now this really looks like Uncharted and Lara is not as vulnerable as expected. Still, this game is a ride. Will play it sooner or later.
E3 2012: EA Press Conference Live Blog
[23:19] PC crashed but as far as I heard has Crysis 3 been the last game anyway. Conclusion: Lots of boring sports games, but Dead Space 3, Crysis 3 and the new NFS: Most Wanted were really cool.
[23:03] Bomb cross bow brings down chopper.
[23:01] Goddamn, it looks nice. Keeping it like Crysis 2 gameplay wise. Nice graphics. And is that prophet talking? Indeed, it is.
[22:59] It comes this October. Now Crytek, Cevat Yerli on stage, Far Cry 3. Show 'em what us Germans can do, haha!
[22:55] Autolog 2.0 lets you compare everything with your friends. Big open world. Wow, I am interested!
[22:54] Finally: Need for Speed Most Wanted by Criterion. "Race, chase, explore"
[22:51] President of UFC on stage, new contract between EA and UFC.
[22:47] Fifa, fifa, FiFa. This is getting boring.
[22:45] One Fifa identity for all the upcoming Fifa games.
[22:42] Madden NFL Social - start on Facebook, finish on phone. Who cares? Not for me, this one.
[22:39] Will have global warriors online mode.
[22:37] Medal of Honor: Warfighter looks more like CoD than CoD.
[22:32] Medal of Honor: Warfighter. "going global" in Somalia, attacking ... people.
[22:29] Dr. Ray of Bioware on stage, talking about the enthusiasm on Star Wars The Old Republic.
[22:26] Battlefield Premium announced. Gives you "extra value" = Pay 2 Play 49,99$. Available now on PC, 360/Ps 3 next week.
[22:24] Peter Moore on stage, presenting Battlefield 3, some stats, "biggest game in EA's history". Damn, this man is good. He is missed at Xbox.
[22:23] It will have multiplayer and all sorts of online features.
[22:21] The new, real Sim City looks really stunning. Nice graphics.
[22:19] Sim City social coming to Facebook. Damn, I don't do browser games, but you have to admit it looks nice.
[22:14] Guest on stage. Maybe a NFL player? Probably.
[22:13] Now Madden 13 with a new engine.
[22:11] Dead Space 3 ends with Isaac sliding down a giant alien anus. Game is released February 13th 2013.
[22:08] It's going all action and cool lines. Massive enmies. And the ice planet makes it remind me of Lost Planet.
[22:06] Two players, extreme action, extreme blurry screen for me.
[22:05] Guy on stage: "Most immersive DEAD Space ever" Co-op included live demo now.
[22:04] Show kicks off with Dead Space 3!
See the livestream here.
E3 2012: Call of Duty Black Ops 2 On Stage Demo
E3 2012: Splinter Cell Blacklist Debut Gameplay
The new Splinter Cell called Blacklist takes place in Kurdistan and shows some climbing elements of Assassin's Creed. Nice for sure.
E3 2012: Gears of War Judgment Trailer

The short star of this year's MS press con. I sincerely hope that there will be something on this title to be seen this E3.
E3 2012: Street Fighter X Tekken Vita Cinematic 2
E3 2012,
Playstation Vita,
Street Fighter X Tekken
E3 2012: Microsoft Press Conference Live Blog

[20:02] The show has ended. Conclusion: Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 6 were looking quite good. Call of Duty Black Ops 2 should please the fans enough in order to make them buy it. Halo 4 looks like Halo 4 should look. Microsoft is also copying Nintendo with it's something Glass-thing. Gears of War Judgment was missing besides a little trailer. Kinect's motion features have been abondoned for voice input. Mediocre press conference at best.
[19:58] It's COD with mini-drone-copters. That's all.
[19:55] Fat gun. Certainly does some damage and can shoot through walls. Not really happening a lot there.
[19:53] Call of Duty looking cod-like as always. But where is Alan Wake 2? Where is Shadow Complex 2? This whole press conference feels like a missed opportunity.
[19:50] Eventually, Call of Duty Gameplay. All first on Xbox as usual.
[19:49] Don Mattrick: "A new golden age of entertainment." Yeah, in your dreams. Certainly not like this.
[19:48] Usher instead of Gears. That's so weak, Microsoft.
[19:44] Dance Central 3 with Usher. Fuck this Shit. Live on stage, LoL.
[19:42] Trey Parker and Matt Stone on stage joking about Microsofts cellphone tablet connectivity
[19:41] design your own character.
[19:40] Now the South Park RPG trailer
[19:39] Wrecketeer - some Kinect rampart destroy the castle game without proper physics.
[19:37] DLC for RE6 first on Xbox.
[19:36] Lots of quick time events.
[19:35] Definitely more action than ever before, explosion over explosion.
[19:33] RE6 seems to have bigger areas, brutal killing moves. Leon walks through a deserted, zombie invested town with Claire on his side. Now in a basement.
[19:32] Resident Evil 6 on stage gameplay
[19:31] Loco Cycle and a portal-esque game matter receive trailers. For Kinect.
[19:30] Ascend - New Gods - God of War meets Viking.
[19:28] New fantasy game.
[19:26] Tomb Raider is full of action. With rivers and parachutes. So nice. the whole game looks like a movie. 1st DLC exclusively on Xbox.
[19:24] Xbox Live Stream is breaking down
[19:23] Tomb Raider, looking like Uncharted -> quite good. with cover system
[19:20] Prometheus. Xbox Live just kicked me out.
[19:18] Internet Explorer comes to Xbox Live. Hopefuly you can download Firefox with it.
[19:16] Play with your tablet. It's like the Wii U. Microsoft "borrows" ideas even before the damn thing is out. Halo 4 support.
[19:15] Xbox connects itself with tablets and phones. Xbox SmartGlass.
[19:13] More Xbox marketplace features - Looks like windows 8 with the damn tiles.
[19:09] Nike Kinect Training. a fitness program. Whatever. They are wasting their precious press con time.
[19:03] ESPN, blabla.
[18:59] Guy presenting some voice search features. Now localized.
[18:58] Forza coming October 2012.
[18:55] GEARS OF WAR Judgment coming 2013. Short trailer. now a new Forza trailer.
[18:54] "at the very heart of Xbox is great games"
[18:53] Fable with Kinect support
[18:52] Fable something.
[18:49] Fifa 13 with Kinect voice recognition. I thought it was a motion gaming device not a pimped headset.
[18:47] Spring 2013 it will be released. Splinter Cell Blacklist. Now Fifa 13 and NFL. With Kinect support.
[18:45] looks like good action. Most likely a good title for inbetween. Like Splinte Cell Conviction was.
[18:44] supports Kinect voice recognition. I sure hope they have a core Kinect title this year.
[18:43] Climbing like in Assassin's Creed.
[18:42] Sam Fisher vs. PKK
[18:41] Ubisoft - Splinter Cell Blacklist, playing in Kurdistan. Looks great.
[18:38] Don Mattrick on the stage. Sale figures. Number 1 selling console blah. Sometimes I really wish Peter Moore back. "Today is all on Xbox 360" So forget about a new console this E3.
[18:37] Outro Trailer. Halo 4 - an ancient evil awakens.
[18:36] Master chief seems to have some kind of BFG.
[18:35] Enmies remind me of Gears glowies, the way they explode. Now cool new robotic enemies.
[18:34] This sure looks like Halo gameplay. Gfx seems to be better.
[18:33] Master Chief vs. a giant ball. following, jungle
[18:32] Is this live action trailer Alien Colonial: Marines or Dust? no, it's Halo 4.
[18:31] It's about to begin...
[18:26] What will await us this year? Hopefuly not all press con long Kinect shit.. We want hardcore games . Probably a slight hint at the new Xbox? We will see in a few minutes.
[18:23] I don't care what people say, Xbox is the game to play! ~singin nerd~
[18:17] 13 minutes to go. There's a pre show over at Xbox Live with Larry Hryb and 4-0-2. That should be a first incentive that MS is again securing exclusive rights for Call of Duty. As it has traditionally.
[18:15] It seems to begin.
(17: 45) I'm doing it again. I won't spare you with my personal feelings about this years Microsoft E3 2012 Press Conference. Expect highly subjective opinions and comments from my side. In case you are following, just update as I will do. A livestream can be found at Gamespot.
E3 2012,
live blog,
Press Conference
E3 2012: Nintendo Direct Pre E3 Show
Half an hour of Nintendo presentation. Personally I think that the WiiU is an experiment destined to not reach a huge audience like the Wii did. It's just too weird. It could be something like the new Virtua Boy or the Mega Drive with all extensions. There's even a 2nd, real controller planned. In case that screen thing just doesn't work for you.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
E3 2012: Hitman Absolution Trailer
E3 2012: Of Orcs And Men Gameplay Trailer
Friday, June 1, 2012
E3 2012: Two New LOTR Games
E3 2012: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Gameplay Trailer
E3 2012: Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2 Debut Trailer
Heard the first game should be pretty good, still need to catch up. Nice trailer, btw.
Also this one, whatever it might be. Probably a portable game?
E3 2012: Tomb Raider Gameplay Trailer
This looks fantastic. A whole new approach to dear Lara. Less Tomb Raider, more Uncharted. Release is March 2013.
E3 2012: Dishonored Gameplay Trailer
Never heard about this game but it looks really interesting to me. I'll add the debut trailer which I missed.
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