Yep, they did it again. Bioware plans to deliver day one DLC to Mass Effect 2. What does this mean exactly? Nothing good, because on the first day you should have enough to do with the retail game itself, says the common sense. With the purchase of Mass Effect 2 you'll get a Cerberus Network Card that gives you the ability to download additional content, a "new" character and some armor. Just that it's nothing additional, but content that is already availlable on the disc. All Bioware wants to do is a strike at the market for used games, because so used games become less attractive with parts of them missing. That's what it really is - missing parts. Bioware does it again, like they did with Dragon Age: Origins, which had another character as well for download. Truth was, that the so called DLC was the unlocking of something that was already on the disc.
To make it short: It pisses me off because every once in a while I love to buy used games for small money, but it seems to become a trend with "Day 1 DLC". Am I planning to boycott Mass Effect 2? Hell, no! That's gonna be the best game ever made and I would bite myself in the ass if I missed that. But I want to make clear that I don't welcome this destroying of used games.
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1 comment:
ich find dieses ganze day one dlc Gekotze ziemlich unfair den Kunden gegenüber, insbesondere wenn man keinen aktiven Internetanschluss hat, was in Deutschland bei einem viertel der Haushalte ja immer noch der Fall ist, fühlt sich das ganze bestimmt an wie bestohlen zu werden. Von den Leuten die sich darüber gefreut haben, dass EA auf Securom verzichtet hat, werden sich jetzt bestimmt sehr freuen!
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