IGN is the first site to put out it's review for the upcoming sequel to 2007's Game of the Year, Bioshock. It's hard to follow a game of that high quality and when it became clear that another studio than the original studio Irrational Games would develop Bioshock 2 doubts began to rise. Which even hardened when they announced multiplayer. But no need to worry according to the below pieces: 2k Marin delievered and is even said to surpass the first game in gameplay aspects. Maybe that's because many of the devs of the first we're recruited from 2K Marin. The multiplayer was developed by yet another studio - Digital Extremes, who are known for their cooperation with Epic in the amazing Unreal Tournament series. While the multiplayer didn't get me excited yet, the reviews say it's worth a try.
While I am STILL waiting for my copy of Mass Effect 2 (UK versions are sold out everywhere and stores don't seem to be restocked so fast) I couldn't withdraw and ordered Bioshock 2. I really loved Bioshock back in 2007 and I long fought with myself about whether Bioshock or Mass Effect made it as my GOTY 2007. Well, let's see which sequel makes it first in my 360. I just can't wait.
Closing Comments IGN
It's going to be a familiar experience for anyone that played the original, but BioShock 2's improvements to gameplay and its more focused storyline make for a game that's more playable and easier to digest. Some of the sense of awe and mystery is lost in transition, but the strength of the setting and more interesting implementation of moral choice make for an experience that's more consistent and rewarding. Anyone looking for a first-person shooter that offers more than flat, stereotypical characters and copy-and-paste supersoldier plots, one that attempts to establish a sense of right and wrong and loops you into the decision making process, and one that's set in one of the most vividly realized settings around should pick up BioShock 2. It's a game in which story, setting, and gameplay are expertly blended to create an experience that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.
Closing Comments IGN UK
If it wasn't for that expanded, heightened, desperate combat, and how neatly that sidesteps into a surprisingly characterful multiplayer mode, this would be a lacklustre sequel. It's redeemed by the surfeit of combinations, upgrades and gene tonics which allow you to truly specialise, creating a psychedelic, explosive fighting style all of your own. If there's a third game (of course there bloody will be), it cannot be set in Rapture again. We've seen enough of it now. This second tour of duty with far superior toys is everything it needs to be, though. Familiarity breeds a little contempt, but as, simply, a game in which you shoot monsters in city under the sea, it's better in every respect.
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