Wednesday, April 8, 2009

1Up Riddick: Dark Athena Review

1Up reviews the new Riddick game with a B- and has harsh words for the new campaign:
Which brings us to the messy clarification of the score. As a product, this package is recommendable to anyone who hasn't experienced the first game, or wishes to add it back to their current library. It also includes a surprisingly fun multiplayer suite, with the Riddick vs. Everyone Else mode "Pitch Black" as the main attraction. But as single-player games, the unsatisfying Dark Athena should be played as a curiosity and then put back where it belongs: in Butcher Bay's shadow.

So, as somebody that didn't play Butcher Bay I will buy the game one way or the other. I don't give much about stealth, so I have nothing against a shooter. And the oh so good Butcher Bay looks even better today:

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