Monday, December 1, 2008

Which Game Christmas 2008 Edition

Actually, it is interesting how my Top Ten is working out for me. Gears 2 is the best game of this fall, no doubts, and Dead Space was more than awesome. To be honest, Banjo got mediocre ratings and Fable 2 is full of bugs. Fallout 3 is my current next game of choice, but I fear that it feels like Oblivion, which was somehow too complex to work in. And PoP, what shall I say, this is looking really nice and gets good reviews. I should test of all of those games before deciding which one I will buy, but I simply don't have the time. My studies need my full attention... So it's down to Fallout 3 and Prince of Persia.

UPDATE: The present under the tree this year will be a copy Fallout 3 for me. I chose Fallout 3 because of it's interesting story. In summer I've read Stephen King's novel 'The Stand' and I felt pretty much 'in' the post apocalyptic world. Since then I feel in love with the end of the world, and when I remember a few years back I was pretty much a fan of the Battle Angel Alita manga series. I would do this Top Ten differently today, but that's not important now. Be prepared for The Personal Gaming GOTY 2008 coming some time after christmas.

This game is really building up my interest. Perhaps this will be my 'christmas present'?

Fallout 3
is looking nice as well on the other hand. It is not this polished and character animations are poor but storywise it will be much bigger, my guess.

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