Friday, May 29, 2009

Big Daddy Playable In Bioshock 2 Multiplayer

Just found that on Eurogamer. Quoted the interesting parts for you:

Turrets are another f***ing great example of this," says Miller, warming to her theme. "I remember we were testing the game one weekend and I kept just going to one turret. As soon as I got in, I'd hack that turret and that became my little battle zone... At one point I got a four-kill streak between the turret and myself, and everyone was like, 'what the hell?'
Set before the fall of Rapture, it tells the story of the civil war between the followers of Frank Fontaine and Andrew Ryan,
In keeping with BioShock's knack for complex themes in simple wrapping, it's tied to the experience system.Playing as a product tester for plasmid and tonic manufacturer (and war market profiteer) Sinclair Solutions, you go to battle in deathmatch, team deathmatch and another unannounced game mode and accumulate ADAM rewards via kills, assists and other achievements. This helps you to march through 20 ranks, divided into categories like "Bronze Club" and "Silver Society", announced with the triumphal faux-naivety common to BioShock's vending voice-overs. When you rank up, you can return to your apartment and receive messages from Sinclair representatives, which help fill in the narrative blanks, rather like the first game's audio logs. "You are going in and you are becoming part of that history and contributing to Rapture's destruction," says Miller.
"We wanted to bring Big Daddies into multiplayer, obviously - they're iconic," says Bérube. "We treat them as a power-up, so you get to be a Big Daddy for as long as you can survive."
"If there's anything brought over from BioShock 1, it's been rebuilt from scratch for multiplayer," says Miller.

Sounds interesting at least. We'll see if it delivers.

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